Clean Sheets
Organization made easy.

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Ordering Spreadsheet
We believe every lab needs an accessible system to keep track of their ordering. Why? This enables every lab member to track the status of orders, as the receipt of certain items may impact how they spend their time in the lab. While this spreadsheet is geared towards ordering for a lab, it could easily be adapted for any group to place orders.

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Antibody Inventory
A system that defines what stuff is and where stuff is located can help daily operations run more smoothly. For example, have you ever been in the middle of an experiment, frantically searching for an antibody? Someone told you it’s in the fridge on the second shelf from the bottom…but where? We have a sheet for that.

Application Bits
In many professions, submitting funding applications is a part of the scientific process. Managing several deadlines for applications that have different requirements can be stressful. We discovered that using a spreadsheet to keep track of this information works better than scribbling down information on a whiteboard for us. We now use a sheet to track those required parts and pieces for submission. It’s easy to share with the grants team at your institution, so everyone is on the same page about the status of various documents.
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What's Up Docs?
Helpful documents for job hunting and more.

Interview Questions
We have found that asking the same questions of all candidates who are interviewing for a given position helps us compare candidates during the decision-making process. We also share these questions with candidates ahead of the interview to enable them to reflect on their experiences relative to the questions. This question list was used to guide the interview of research technician candidates for a position in a cell biology lab that uses mouse models.
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Recommendations for Letters of Recommendation
Scientists often must request letters of recommendation to apply for opportunities like awards, internships, fellowships, promotions, and more. We created an intake document that individuals in your lab can use to request letters of recommendation from you and others. Consolidating the information that a recommender needs to submit a strong letter of recommendation on time helps streamline the process for the recommender and letter requester.

Expectations for employees
Outlining expectations for employees is necessary for managers to explicitly convey their expectations to their team. Here, we share a document outlining expectations for a "Lab Aide" employee working a part-time position in a wet lab environment. Feel free to use this as a starting point for sharing expectations with members of your research team.
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Lab Responsibilities
For a lab to run smoothly, responsibilities must be clearly delegated to members of the lab. Here, we share a document encompassing the responsibilities of a Lab Aide, Research Technician, Animal Technician and Staff Scientist. Feel free to use this as a starting point and customize the document to your specific research needs.
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